Alcohol Rehab Center Near Jacksonville, FL

If you are struggling with alcohol dependency, we want you to know that help is out there. Our rehab center near Jacksonville, FL, uses evidence-based treatments to help patients get their lives back. We know how hard it can be to find yourself tied to alcohol and unable to cut those ties. Fortunately, our team has the knowledge and experience to help you start on the road to recovery.

We are a leading alcohol and drug rehab near Jacksonville, FL, and we are ready to enroll you in a treatment program. All it takes is a phone call or a message through our website to get started. Once we have your information, we can give you guidance on what type of treatment is best for your needs and schedule a meeting with our team.

The best time to start is now. Please contact us today to begin.

Signs & Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) is the manual healthcare providers use as part of an overall assessment of diagnosing an alcohol use disorder. The criteria used by the DSM-5 include:

  • Drinking increasing amounts of alcohol or drinking for longer than you intended to
  • Wanting to reduce your drinking but being unable to
  • Spending significant time recovering from the effects of drinking alcohol
  • Experiencing cravings to drink alcohol
  • Being unable to take care of important tasks at home, school, or work because of alcohol use
  • Being unable to stop drinking alcohol even when it is causing problems in your relationships
  • Choosing alcohol use over other important obligations, including recreational activities, social activities, and work activities
  • Continuing to drink repeatedly, even when it puts you at risk of harm, such as physical harm or emotional harm
  • Being unable to stop using alcohol even when you know it causes psychological problems or makes existing psychological problems worse, such as if it causes or increases depression or anxiety.
  • Building a bigger and bigger tolerance for alcohol so that you have to drink more to achieve the desired effect over time
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking alcohol

If you meet two or more of these criteria within 12 months, healthcare professionals consider you to have an alcohol use disorder. The more criteria you meet, the more severe the condition is considered. Meeting two to three is considered mild, meeting 4 to 5 is considered moderate, and meeting six or more is considered severe.

When you come to our treatment center, our staff will interview you and help to clarify what, if any, of these criteria you currently meet. They can help you understand how severe your dependency is and what therapeutic steps will be most likely to help you recover.

The Alcohol Rehabilitation Process

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the four stages of alcohol and other substance abuse rehab are:

  1. Treatment initiation
  2. Early abstinence
  3. Maintaining abstinence
  4. Advanced recovery

If you start treatment at our alcohol rehab near Gainesville, FL, you will have entered the first stage of the treatment process. You should feel good about yourself that you are reading this and considering starting treatment at an official program. The first steps can feel like the hardest, but they are necessary to ever reach the later stages of the process.

Entering a detox at our rehab will start you on the path to the second stage, early abstinence. Whether you get counseling through our inpatient residential program or through an intensive outpatient program, you will gain skills to help you maintain abstinence, which is the third stage.

Advanced recovery, the fourth stage, is a lifelong process. Alcohol abuse and addiction is not a pattern that is easily left behind. But with the help of therapy and other treatment at our rehab, you can achieve it.

Inpatient & Outpatient Rehab Programs

We offer both inpatient and outpatient rehab at our center near Jacksonville, FL.

Inpatient treatment involves staying at our treatment center for an extended period of time to detox, then going through intensive therapy and group therapy to learn coping skills.

Outpatient treatment typically comes after inpatient treatment, although some patients are prescribed intensive outpatient treatment from the beginning. With outpatient treatment, you go home each evening after engaging in treatment at our rehab center.

How Does Alcohol Detox Work?

Alcohol detox is dangerous and potentially deadly to go through on your own. We highly recommend if you are engaged in heavy use that, you contact us and enter our detox center to start rehab.

In our detox center, we can use a variety of medications and strategies to keep you safe and comfortable as you go through detox. Our team has the training to observe your individual detox process and intervene as necessary to keep you safe.

Withdrawal symptoms can start as soon as eight hours after your last drink. The most severe physical symptoms of withdrawal will usually resolve in two to three days, while the full range of symptoms will resolve within five to seven days.

Strategies for Preventing Relapse After Completing Rehab

To maintain abstinence and avoid relapse, it’s important to practice proven strategies for maintaining your sobriety. These can include:

  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Maintain a good sleep schedule
  • Exercise regularly
  • Practice mindfulness, such as meditation or yoga
  • Join a group, such as AA that will help you feel supported and accountable to your peers
  • Avoid people and situations associated with your previous usage patterns
  • Maintain honesty with everyone in your recovery circle, including doctors, therapists, family, and others that you trust
  • Attend all of your therapy sessions
  • Strive to practice what you learn in therapy and work continuously with your therapist to maintain effective coping strategies.
  • Learn and practice creative skills like music, painting, photography, writing, or something else that interests you.
  • If you do relapse, accept it as part of the process and immediately talk with your support circle to get back on track with your coping strategies.

Sometimes, patients at our recovery center near Jacksonville, FL, decide to enter the treatment center again if they relapse. This can be a helpful refresher and provide a safe space to reenter the recovery process.

If you are interested in alcohol rehab near Jacksonville, FL, we encourage you to contact us. Our team is here to answer any questions and ensure you get the help you need for your current struggles.


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