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- Florida Springs: Heroin and Alcohol Treatment In Birmingham Alabama
- Florida Springs: Heroin and Alcohol Treatment In Destin
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- Florida Springs: Rehab in Bay County Florida
- Florida Springs: Rehab in Panama City
- Florida Springs. Best Heroin and Alcohol Treatment in Tallahassee
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- Substance Abuse Rehab Near Jacksonville, FL
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Florida Rehabs
- Understanding the Genetics of Alcoholism
- There is No Such Thing as Drinking for your Health
- Treating Pregnant Women: A Focus on Trauma-Informed Care
- Alcohol and Ageing: A Multi-Disciplinary Look
- Patient Centered Care and Detox
- Occupational Therapy in Addiction Treatment
- Comorbidity and Drug Addiction
- Emerging Drugs with Unpredictable Effects
- Substance Abuse in the Medical Field
- Military Life and Substance Abuse
- Are Sober Living Homes a Good or Bad Thing?
- Do You Have to Hit Rock Bottom?
- What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Hospital-Based Harm Reduction for Addiction
- Integrating Harm Reduction in Hospitals: A Vital Shift in Tackling Opioids
- The Interplay of Crisis: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Opioid Epidemic in the United States
- What is Recovery Capital?
- Understanding the Health Service Response to Addiction
- The Science of Recovery from Drugs
- Understanding and Overcoming Motivation Challenges
- Understanding and Overcoming Alcohol Use Disorder
- Building Recovery Capitol to Overcome Addiction
- Reducing the Stigma of Addiction in Different Groups
- The Power of Community Partnerships
- The Power of Peer Workers in Addiction Treatment
- Supporting Military Personnel with Alcohol and PTSD Problems
- Are Florida Drug Treatment Centers Enough?
- Mindfulness and Addiction Recovery
- Alcohol Rehab in Rural Florida
- Quality of Life Across Addiction Recovery
- Finding Alcohol Treatment in Florida
- Florida Springs Has MAT and Outpatient Services
- Paying for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Panama City
- The Journey to Recovery from Alcoholism
- The Challenges You Face Quitting Opioids in Florida
- The Challenges You Face Quitting Alcohol in 2024
- Florida Rehab Center for Opioid Addiction
- Purdue Pharma and Oxycontin Update
- Why Alcoholism is Worse in Panama City
- Gas Station Heroin: Tianeptine (Zaza Pills) and Its Dangers
- What is Kratom and Why Is It Popular in Florida?
- The Florida Overdose Epidemic
- Street Drugs Are Our Biggest Problem
- The Tranq and Xylazine Problem in Florida
- How to Talk to a Loved One About Their Drinking Problem
- Friendships and Recovery
- Addiction in 2023
- Family Support and Florida Springs Recovery
- Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Bay County Florida
- Project Save Lives: BAY COUNTY
- Current State of the Opioid Epidemic in Florida
- Mental Health and The Twitch Community
- God and Sobriety: Investigating Spirituality and Recovery
- Barriers to Addiction Treatment in Pensacola Florida
- Parenting Styles and Addiction
- Alcoholism and Sleep Disorders
- Addiction – A Problem of Epidemic Proportions
- Factors in Completion of Addiction Treatment
- Examining the Stigma Around Addiction
- Is Florida Failing Its Own Drug Policy Advisory?
- Addiction and Florida Medicaid
- HGTV Features Louisiana Restaurant with Recovery Focus
- Stop the Cycle of Enabling an Addicted Loved One
- Drug Addiction and Enabling
- New Findings on Addiction During the Pandemic
- Family Member Returns from Rehab: Part 2 – Communication and Respect
- What is Impulsive Lifestyle Counseling?
- Your Liver Can Heal Itself If You Stop Drinking
- Important Topics When a Family Member Returns from Rehab: Part 1
- Primary Care Interventions for Alcohol Use Disorders
- Health and Justice Part 2: Expanding Access to Care
- Health and Justice Part 1: Language Inequality
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Addiction
- Responding to Peer Pressure to Drink Alcohol
- How Long Does It Take to Get Off Heroin?
- Anti-Fentanyl Funding Not Matching Growth of Problems
- Searching for an Overdose: Fentanyl in Mexico
- The Roots of Disease Theory in Addiction
- Addiction in Literature: Glamorization
- Addiction in Literature: Smashed
- Type D Personalities and Addiction
- Criminal Doctors Escaping Opioid Epidemic Culpability
- Stunning Lack of Professionalism in Florida Drug Courts
- The Lack of Compassion for Addiction in Our Justice System
- Opioid Addiction: There’s an App for That (reSET-O Review)
- Politicizing Fentanyl Overdoses is Not the Answer: Part 2
- The Economics of Increasing Medicaid Recovery Treatment Capacity
- Stress and Alcoholism Development in Women
- Factors in Alcoholism Development in Men
- Could Exercise be a Key to Recovery?
- Alcoholism and Insomnia: The Struggle to Sleep
- Has Uncertainty Around Covid-19 Fueled Addiction?
- Culture and Perspectives on Alcoholism and Addiction
- Have a Merry Sober Christmas Part 2
- Have A Merry Sober Christmas
- Service Animals Show Promise for Vets with PTSD
- “Dopesick Nation” From Vice Shows Addiction and Recovery
- Doctors Cannot Reliably Detect Substance Use Disorder
- Family Behind Oxycontin Granted Federal Immunity
- The Scope of America’s Overdose Problem
- Treating PTSD and Addiction
- Addiction and Suicide
- Methamphetamine Use is Soaring and People Are Dying
- Continuing Care and Treating Addiction
- The Covid-19 Pandemic and The Addiction Epidemic
- Families Recover from Alcohol Use Disorder: Part 2
- Family Support and Alcoholism Treatment: Part 1
- Drug Rehab for Women in Iran
- Results from a Study in Nurse-Led Alcohol Treatment
- Nurse-Led Approaches Could Help Alcohol Treatment in Florida
- The Basics of Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment
- Emergency Rooms: Ground Zero in an Addiction Crisis
- Vaping, Harm Reduction, and Addiction
- How Long Does It Take To Get Sober
- Culture Around Alcohol and Drugs
- Missed Opportunities in Treating Substance Use Disorder
- Family Traits and Substance Abuse
- Misconceptions Around Harm Reduction
- Group Treatment for Patients with Diseases Caused by Drug Use
- Legal and Social Problems Faced by Alcoholics
- Oxycontin Cartel Members Back in Court
- Successful Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Medication-Assisted Treatment
- Perspectives on Marijuana, THC, and Recovery: Provider Perspectives
- Are You Managing an Opioid Addiction?
- How to Get Sober When You Have a Job
- Fentanyl Positivity Rates Climbing in 50 States
- The New HBO Max Oxycontin Documentary
- Opioid Addiction Treatment on Medicaid
- Blended Treatment Approaches for Alcoholism
- How to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Without Insurance
- AA or Residential Treatment?
- Disruption of Drug and Alcohol Treatment During Covid-19
- Substance Abuse Treatment for Older Americans
- Provider Perceptions of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorder
- Expanding Opioid Agonist Therapies in the US
- Alcoholism and Treatment During Covid 19: Part 2
- Alcoholism and Treatment During Covid 19: Part 1
- Drug Use and HIV Care During Covid-19
- Covid-19 Exposing Vulnerability of Populations with Substance Use Disorder (Rant)
- Cognitive Bias Modification for Substance Use Disorder Patients
- Understanding a Family Member with Alcoholism
- Are Law Enforcement Attitudes Changing on Addiction and Alcoholism?
- Major Shortcomings in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program Policies: Part 2
- Major Shortcomings in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program Policies: Part 1
- Connections Between Overdose and Childhood Injury
- Improving Addiction Medicine in 2021
- Does Relapse Mean “Back to Square One”?
- Study Suggests Addicts at Much Greater Risk of Covid-19
- Increased Alcohol Sales During Covid-19 Pandemic
- 2021 in Addiction Recovery Medicine: Part 1
- Compulsion and Addiction
- The Nurse’s Role in Treating Addiction
- Investigating Theories of Addiction: Part 1
- Top 5 Reasons that the Holiday Season is Tough for People with Substance Use Disorder
- Significant Barriers Remain for People Needing Long-Acting Buprenorphine
- Unpaid Labor in The Drug Treatment Industry
- Covid-19 Changes Should Remain After Vaccine is Administered
- Training and Readiness for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
- Community Based Intervention for Opioid Use Disorder
- Family Relationship Improvement for Methadone Treatment Patients
- The Causes of Addiction and How to Get Help: Part 2
- Causes of Addiction and Where to Get Help
- Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Addiction
- International Perspectives in Methadone Treatment
- Putting a Face to Opioid Addiction for Medical Students
- Addiction Medicine in the Twentieth Century: Part 2
- Ballot Measures Legalize Marijuana in 5 States
- Addiction Medicine in the Twentieth Century: Part 1
- Ballot Measures with Ramifications for Addiction Medicine Pass Around the Country
- Suboxone Therapy for Cancer Patients
- A South Dakota Pharmacist Calls for Action on Medication Assisted Treatment
- The Case for Rethinking the Methadone Treatment System
- HIV Treatment Therapies and Addiction Treatment
- Hypoxia Found in Covid-19 Patients
- CDC Data Points to Serious Mental Health Challenges During Covid-19
- Analysis of “Project Opioid” Research – Part 2
- ‘Project Opioid’ Just Released a Huge Amount of Research on the Opioid Epidemic
- Avoiding Covid-19 Outbreaks in Residential Treatment Settings
- Physicians at Very High Risk of Substance Use Disorder
- Future of Telehealth, a Primary Source of Mental Health Care, in Jeopardy
- The Missing Link in Substance Abuse Treatment: Patient Centered Care
- Barriers to Care for Parenting Women with Substance Use Disorder in Rural Areas
- Barriers to Care in Rural Drug Rehabilitation
- Barriers to Care: Drug Rehabilitation in Alabama and Florida
- Americans, Covid-19, and Recreational Drug Use: Part 1
- The Best Drug Rehab in Florida Just Got Hit by A Hurricane
- The Current Coronavirus will be the Largest Mass Casualty Event in US History
- What did the Drug Maker of Suboxone do wrong?
- Changes During Covid-19 May Help Some with Substance Use Disorders
- Did Methadone and Suboxone Restrictions Ever Help Anyone?
- Opioid Prescriptions Patterns Amid Opioid Epidemic
- When Epidemics Collide Hidden Risks for Healthcare System
- Life Expectancy Dropping Due to Opioid Crisis
- Vulnerabilities of People with Substance Use Disorder at All Time High
- People with Addiction at Increased Risk During Pandemic
- Rural Addicts Face Withdrawal During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Opioid Epidemic Highlights Public Health Failures
- Experts Call for Easing Regulations on Substance Abuse Treatment During Covid-19
- Could Music Therapy Help with Addiction and PTSD?
- Drug Company Behind Suboxone Settles with US Government
- How Long Does It Take to Sober Up?
- How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your System?
- How Long Does Percocet Stay in Your System?
- Do Alcoholics and Addicts Have Bad Teeth?
- Can You Measure the Severity of Alcoholism or Drug Addiction?
- Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders
- Primary Healthcare Settings and Addiction
- Is the Affordable Care Act Helping Alcoholics and Addicts?
- PTSD and Addiction
- Are Drug Addictions and Gambling/Shopping Addictions Similar?
- Stress and Drug Addiction
- Best Rehabs in Florida
- Best Drug Rehabs in Florida
- School Districts Across U.S. Join Lawsuit Against Oxycontin Maker
- Older Adults and Drug Addiction
- Addiction, Exercise, and the Human Brain
- A Workout Regimen for Drug Rehab Patients?
- Drug Overdoses Worsened by Covid-19
- Are Drug Rehab Clinics Harmful to the Community?
- What Programs Do Rehabs Offer Patients?
- Does Cannabis Use Lead to Relapse In Alcohol Treatment Patients?
- Pain and Relapse: Physical Pain Found to Be a Relapse Risk Factor After Alcohol Addiction Treatment
- How to Detox Your Body
- What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?
- Ways to Identify an Alcoholic
- What is Detox?
- What is a Sponsor?
- Alcohol Treatment Options in Florida: AA or NA?
- Liver Damage from Alcohol?
- Am I an Alcoholic?
- Alcoholics, Sobriety, and the Brain
- Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment
- A Few Words on Early Recovery
- Researching the Causes of the Opioid Crisis
- Jessica Simpson Talks Of Alcohol Abuse, Finding Herself Again In Memoir ‘Open Book’
- Opioid author says crisis is ‘bigger than drug addiction’
- Demi Lovato reminds people that eating disorders and drug addiction are often related illnesses
- Drug manufacturer Mallinckrodt to pay $1.6 billion to settle opioid claims
- Justin Bieber on drug abuse: ‘It was legit crazy scary’
- Arizona congressional candidate suspends campaign after drug overdose
- Alcohol-related disease, deaths on the rise in younger Americans
- Florida AG, pharmacy chains tangle in opioid lawsuit
- 21 states rejected an $18 billion offer to settle opioid epidemic lawsuits, arguing it’s not enough
- Oral Health and the Opioid Epidemic
- Politicizing Fentanyl Overdoses is Not the Answer: Part 1
- Criminal Organizations Want You Addicted to All the Deadliest Drugs
- Hospitalization for Addiction Rarely Leads to Inpatient Care
- Tips on Staying Sober from an Alcoholic
- Prevalence of Childhood Trauma Among People with Substance Use Disorder
- 2021 in Addiction Recovery Medicine: Part 2
- Ben Affleck talks about his struggles with alcohol in ABC interview