The Tranq and Xylazine Problem in Florida

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What are Tranq and Xylazine

Xylazine is a veterinary sedative medication primarily used for animals, such as horses and other large animals. It is not intended for human use. However, it is becoming a common adulterant in street opioids and other drugs. Xylazine is the drug that some people have referred to as “Tranq” when it is mixed with other opioids and sold as a powder or rock on the street.

When xylazine is added to street drugs, it can have severe and dangerous effects on individuals who consume them. Often, it is added to substances like heroin or fentanyl to increase the drug’s potency and potentially enhance the euphoric effects. However, xylazine is not safe for human consumption and can lead to a range of adverse health effects and even fatalities. This is often said about other street drug mixtures, but the adverse side effects of Tranq and Xylazine are immediately noticeable and dangerous. There are already many counties in the United States where a high percentage of overdoses involve Xylazine, and there are many places where the immediate skin damage from Xylazine is being seen at hospitals and on the street.

Florida Springs Wellness and Recovery Center, the best drug rehab in Florida, located in Panama City, is best suited to helping people recover from street drug use. Every day use of street drugs like heroin and fentanyl often require inpatient drug rehab, and Florida Springs prides itself on getting people back on their feet, even after years of daily use of these substances.

Some of the potential risks associated with the use of street drugs laced with xylazine may include:

  • Xylazine was intended for use in animals, and it quickly rots human skin at and around injection sites when it is used with street drugs.
  • Respiratory depression: Xylazine, like opioids, can depress the central nervous system and cause breathing difficulties. Combining xylazine with opioids can intensify respiratory depression, leading to life-threatening consequences like overdose or respiratory arrest.
  • Overdose: The combination of xylazine with potent opioids can significantly increase the risk of overdose. The presence of xylazine can make it challenging for users to gauge the potency of the drugs they are consuming, leading to an increased likelihood of taking lethal doses.
  • Unpredictable effects: Xylazine’s effects on humans are not well studied, and it can produce unpredictable reactions when consumed. This lack of predictability can increase the danger associated with using street drugs containing xylazine.
  • Health complications: Xylazine can have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and may lead to heart problems, which can be particularly risky when combined with other drugs.

Adulterants in Street Drugs

It’s important to highlight that the illicit drug market is unregulated, and substances bought from the streets can contain a range of harmful and potentially deadly additives. The addition of xylazine or any other substance to street drugs adds an additional layer of danger to an already risky behavior, but Xylazine’s adverse effects are lifelong skin damage, amongst the other dangerous effects, such as death from overdose. The best way to avoid these risks is to refrain from using illicit drugs altogether and seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse. This is easier said than done, but Florida Springs Wellness and Recovery Center, the best drug and alcohol rehab in Florida, has open beds and years of experience treating addiction to street drugs in a safe and comfortable clinical environment. Please call us today at (850) 403-6566.

By Tim Cannon